Heritage Malta, within the Ministry for Justice, Culture and Local Government, has launched a scheme aimed at Senior Citizens – the Heritage Malta Senior Passport.
With this passport, an elder and two accompanying youths will have free and unlimited access to all Heritage Malta’s sites and museums (except the Hal Saflieni Hypogeum).
Heritage Malta explained that this scheme will be supported by the Local Councils’ Association and a memorandum of understanding will be signed in the coming days to effectively implement this scheme.
It said that individuals who are aged 60+ are invited to call with their identity card at their Local Councils to apply for Heritage Malta’s Senior Passport.
The Local Council staff will enrol them in the system, and the passport together with an information leaflet will be received by post within 10 working days.
Heritage Malta’s Senior Passport holders can enjoy free and unlimited visits to 27 sites which include prehistoric temples and caves, historic houses and prisons, fortresses and palaces, and a selection of museums relating to nature, archaeology, maritime, war, and art.
The Passport is to be stamped on each visit since with every 8 stamps collected, a reward will be given to the holder, to a total of 3 rewards, Heritage Malta said.